RIMA is an intimate container for 12 participants only, a nomadic proposition, a dream of a new reality. We embark you on an enchanted adventure of self-exploration and deep connection, alchemizing unique moments and allowing meaningful expansion to happen.
Odyssey Nº20: Mano
April 6 - 10
Location: Zunya, Costa Rica
Zero Block
For 5 days, RIMA is inviting 12 participants into an unprecedented fully-realized immersive world blurring the lines between reality and fiction. Odysseys are designed to inspire and connect change agents, decision-makers, and community builders acting for a better future.
Tilda Publishing
create your own block from scratch
Who is participating?
Writers, artists, film directors, designers, curators, and musicians who are the trend-makers, the culture builders, the norms-breaker, and challenge the status quo by following their authenticity and inner genius.

Academics, researchers, philosophers, sociologists, researchers, psychologists, and thinkers who use their passion for learning to inspire others. Their role as educators is critical to inspire a generation of decision-makers looking for global progress.

Community Leaders:
Visionaries who are building communities promoting individual and collective change with projects ranging from hospitality, events, and innovative platforms promoting new ways of being.

Celebrities, journalists, public figures who are raising awareness for a large audience and helping create a more conscious world. Their passion and creativity are making a difference.

Business owners, founders, VC, executives, and managers who are the risk-taking innovators and create new opportunities for a more inclusive and progressive world. They bring tools of conscious leadership, social responsibility and purpose in their endeavors.
Founder & Storyteller
Memory Guardian
Inner journey Facilitator
Director of Operations
head of Production

Community Builder
Space designer
Guest Facilitator
Artist TBA
Artist Photographer
Breath & Fire master
Bird Whisperer
Polychotomous chef

Our Team
Every season, RIMA writes a unique immersive Odyssey.
For 2023, we have designed our latest journey around 3 propositions:
A hand to look at our roots, clean our lineage and explore our primal state.
A hand to change our perception on nature and get into symbiosis with it.
A hand to amplify our creative power and venture into uncharted territories.
Odyssey Narrative:
A Hand to Feel
A Hand to look back
"You didn't come into this world. You came out of it, like a wave from the ocean." Alan Watts reminds us we cannot separate ourselves from the root. Our hand reminds us of our deep connection with nature and we will enter a state of homeostasis with the vegetal realm.
How do we bond and reconnect with our tribal instinct? How do we reconnect to our ancestors, honor and clean our lineage? Let's use our hands to remember togetherness and the sense of tribe and roots.
Our hand is a powerful tool of creation. We stroke our environment, shape matter and sculpt our reality. How to translate our emotions into physicality?
A Hand to Feel
I am because you are. What have we lost when we separated from each other? When we trap ourselves behind screens? How do we bond and reconnect with our tribal instinct of solidarity and support? The hand is the root of language. Let's use our hands to remember togetherness.

A Hand To Dream
The sky has its own language. With the tips of our fingers, let's connect the dots in the celestial vault and learn how to read the cosmic knowledge. Don't we have the universe in the palm of our hand?

A Hand to Create
Our hand is a powerful tool of creation. How it will guide us as a compass to determine the next path to choose? Let's identify the signs on the way and explore the multiplicities of opportunities.
The route
Day 1 - Thursday - Entering the path of Wonders
An immersion into the jungle, entering the path of wonders, one hand at a time.
Starting the journey with poetic situations, cyanotype hand-prints, and collective intentional creation. The ecosophy moment will reveal to us a new sight into the principles of nature, symbiotic process, and our ecology of perception.
Day 2 - Friday - Looking at our Roots
We will shift our approach to what nourishes our species, grows our environment, and shapes our behaviors. Throughout symbolic creation and expression, we will go deep into our lineage, looking back at our ancestors, honoring what has been done, and leaving behind what no longer serves us. Deep intentional work would be completed, going through important rites of passage celebrating magic and powerful growth.
Day 3 - Saturday - Primal Expansion
Resetting our social dynamics with an exploration of primal tribe communicative behavior. A complete trust of your senses and activation of natural instincts to decipher and play with true social and emotional connection in a non-verbal, trance-state, sense-deprived, flow-induced altered state of consciousness. Introducing the RIMA Deep Dive: a long night of psychomagic and poetic acts throughout an intense and profound individual odyssey.
Day 4 - Sunday - Power of Creation
A mind-expansive day towards creation. A dive into our power of expression, giving us guidance toward our purpose and celebrating new possibilities in life. A deep reflection on the profound events that happened individually and were shared collectively. Mapping the territory of our power of creation and realizing we own all the tools for making an impact in the world we dream of together.
Day 5 - Monday
A smooth landing and an soft adjustment to a fresh perceptions of reality.
Tilda Publishing
In Costa Rica, located in the town of Malpais, Zūnya is a home for the development of cultural and environmentally conscious projects, and a nest of creativity and regeneration. It is also a safe space for everyone to reconnect and deepen their bond with themselves, nature and others.
Talents of RIMA
  • Theodore
    Chief Visionary
  • Juan
    Fire Master
  • Pauline
    Dream Producer
  • Nora
    Memory Guardian
  • Nadine
    Community Builder & Experience designer
  • Pearl

Zero Block
For the 99 percent of the time we've been on Earth, we were hunters and gatherers, our lives dependent on knowing the fine, small details of our world. Deep inside, we still have a longing to be reconnected with the nature that shaped our imagination, our language, our song and dance, our sense of the divine.
Tilda Publishing
create your own block from scratch
Janine M. Benyus
I keep reminding myself to take a deep breath to see if I'm not caught up in a dream. To me RIMA allowed us to open a new door, take a glimpse of what is and has always been with us. This wonderful garden filled with sunshine, full of life and endless magic.

Thank you so much for creating this moment outside of normal reality. I learned things I want to carry with me everywhere I go. Humanity inside of you all was really inspiring - seems like there's a new narrative in the spreading.
Words don’t do justice to describe what happened over these last couple of days. I have discovered a different world, a way of thinking/feeling which I didn’t know existed before.
A Glimpse of Magic

–– Maxime, Startup Founder - Investor

–– Zoe, Entrepreneur - Model - Life Coach
–– Philippe, ex-Chef at NOMA - Restaurants owner & Entrepreneur
Zero Block
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Tilda Publishing
create your own block from scratch